Pot Luck Lunch


It’s great to eat together, so why not make Pot Luck Lunch a regular feature in your canteen or break rooms. Take a break from eating out of Tupperware at your desk and meet friends old and new, whilst trying some delicious healthy food.
Pot luck lunch is simple.

Once a week or once a month, or whatever frequency you want, everyone brings in their favourite healthy dish (preferably calorie counted), to share with their colleagues in their team. All the members of the team meet in the staff room or other suitable area and eat lunch together, sharing their dishes, so that everyone can have a taste of what other people are making.


It’s great to eat together, so why not make Pot Luck Lunch a regular feature in your canteen or break rooms. Take a break from eating out of Tupperware at your desk and meet friends old and new, whilst trying some delicious healthy food.
Pot luck lunch is simple.

Once a week or once a month, or whatever frequency you want, everyone brings in their favourite healthy dish (preferably calorie counted), to share with their colleagues in their team. All the members of the team meet in the staff room or other suitable area and eat lunch together, sharing their dishes, so that everyone can have a taste of what other people are making.