Build Your Self-Confidence And Start Winning! WT25

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Give up on giving up!

We often have conversations with people who tell us that they have no will power, or patience to get the job done. They know what to do but they are easily distracted or they just can’t stick to things. This negative self-image often comes from the fact that we have tried and failed at things in the past. But what is so important to understand, is that this past failure isn’t because you’re ‘just rubbish’, it’s just because you didn’t have the right plan or strategy in place, or you tried to do too many things at once. 

We need to flip that mindset round to something more positive, and start to build your self-belief and confidence. A major way to build your self belief, is to start to experience success.

To start to experience success you need to get the right goal and the right plan in place to achieve that goal. Make achieving success a little bit easier and when you start to achieve, your self confidence and self belief will increase, giving you more strength and resolve to try something even more challenging.

Get set for success

If you have found success hard to come by in the past, maybe you’re looking for it in the wrong place. When we talk about goal setting (as we have in the past few weeks) our thoughts often go to huge physical challenges or the final number that we want to see on the scales.
To start to believe in yourself, you need to start small.

Simple goal ideas

Goals don’t always have to be super challenging. In fact, by starting small and setting mini goals, you will really build that sense of achievement which in turn builds your self-belief, which in turn gives you the confidence to try more. Before you know it you are achieving things that you never thought possible and your lifestyle is slowly but surely changing!

Why not try working through one of these smaller goals for a week or two and see if you can tick them off as completed?  If you find they work for you then why not keep them going for good?  Once you have mastered one goal, and it has become a habit, add another, and so on, until you are living your life the way you want to.

Try these simple goal ideas:

  • Keep a food diary for a week
  • Clear out your cupboards of all your ‘trigger foods’
  • Track your calories every day for 6 days out of 7, without worrying about staying in your allowance
  • Close the kitchen each night at 8pm and don’t reopen it until breakfast
  • Drink 750 ml water before every meal
  • Take the stairs at work instead of the lift
  • Eat your five a day, every day for 6 days out of 7
  • Introduce the 1 mile rule! If the round trip journey is less than 1 mile you walk it.
  • Make sure you get 30 minutes of activity in each day for 6 days out of 7.
  • No chocolate, cakes, biscuits or sweets for 6 days out of 7
  • Take part in an additional Be Strong HIIT session each week either on line or at group
  • Write a weekly exercise plan and follow it
  • Cut up all your food at every meal and eat slowly, stop eating when you are full
  • Create a menu for your kitchen and eat from it each day
  • Walk for one hour on three days, walk for 30 mins on the other four days
  • 10 min Be Strong HIIT session alternating 2 of your favourite exercises every day
  • Do a ‘no cheese’, ‘no bread’ or ‘no alcohol’ week
  • Sign up to a Be Strong challenge
  • Prepare your next day’s breakfast and lunch the night before, every day
  • Eat to your calories every day
  • Add weights to your Be Strong HIIT sessions
  • Swap snacking in front of the TV for an evening walk
  • Batch cooking some evening meals ahead of time, to make life easier for yourself
  • Join a Couch to 5k group!

Slow and steady

Many people would try to do a combination of all of these mini goals at once, which can be impossible.

When you take on too much at once, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and then quit. Just try one goal at a time, make that a habit, then repeat the ones you enjoy. 

You could use these ideas and some of your own to create your next 6 months plan. Introduce each one individually and you will find that not only will you have success, because you can devote the time and energy to one thing, you will also subconsciously learn these new behaviours.

The success you are really chasing will start to come if you start to focus on what’s important rather than everything at once.

Just start somewhere

Once you start to achieve success, you will start to believe that you can achieve other things too. The most important thing is to start!

Look to your past for some inspiration – what have you been successful at before? Have you smashed it in an exam, or are you brilliant at art?  Write a list and keep it somewhere safe.  Can you use the mindset you have used in these situations to start achieving these lifestyle change goals?

Take a few minutes to have a really good think about what your strengths are. Write them down and use these qualities to help you on this journey to success.

Don’t get comfortable

Once you start to experience some success, the trick is to keep pushing yourself.

Don’t let yourself get complacent. You have to keep challenging yourself, to keep the momentum going.

Keep expanding that comfort zone, ever so slightly, to keep building your confidence and self belief. Challenge yourself to slightly bigger, slightly more difficult goals.  This will see your self-confidence and self-belief soar, and before you know it, you will be that person that you always wanted to be.

This week!

Take a step back. What is the one single most important thing that you need to do to start experiencing success. Focus on that for one week only and see how you do. Putting all your energy into just one thing instead of a hundred, can have a massive impact on your success levels. Then build on it and take it from there.  Success is quite literally days away!