Be kind to yourself and take on our Hydration Challenge! Hydration is often the one thing that we forget about but gives us the most benefits!
There are many benefits to keeping hydrated and you can read more about those in detail in this article.
We should all focus on hydration, because it is something we can still do when we are busy. Just make sure you take a bottle of water with you, wherever you go.
Particularly, you will benefit from staying hydrated as it will help to:
- keep our skin looking fresh and plump in the cold weather, and while the heating is on full whack indoors
- help to reduce the after effects of those nights out
- help your tummy to feel full to prevent you from snacking on too many treats
- help to energise you when you are flagging at the busiest time of year
- flush out toxins from the over indulgences
So track your hydration throughout the month and see what benefits it has for you!