August Challenge – 2 miles a day come what may

As we are now well into Summer, it is the perfect excuse to get out into the great outdoors and enjoy our surroundings.  We might be going on holidays and this gives us even more opportunity to get out there and get some fresh air.

So the challenge for this month is to get out and walk (or even jog or run if you want) 2 miles every single day. Rain or shine!

Now we don’t want you to just walk 2 miles in total throughout the day, the challenge is to actually get out and go for a walk as an activity. Average walking pace is 20 minutes a mile, so this challenge should take about 40 minutes every day, so you will need to factor this in.

Have you got a pet that needs walking? Or does a neighbour have a pet that would benefit from an extra walk? How far away is work? Is it a mile there and a mile back? Could you walk it? Could you go for a walk first thing in a morning, in your lunch break or after your tea? If you don’t know any routes, use this challenge as an excuse to get out and explore your local area and find new places to go for a walk.

If you don’t feel up to walking 2 miles every day at the minute, why not download our Sport Walking program and use this month to start building up your strength to walking a little further and maybe a little bit faster too?

Benefits of walking

The benefits to walking are endless.  For a start it is an entry level exercise that almost anyone can do.

Walking is a low impact cardio vascular exercise that will improve your general fitness, which in turn reduces risks for heart and lung diseases, strokes, joint and muscular pain.  Walking regularly will strengthen your bones and improve your core strength and balance.

Walking is free and requires little equipment, other than a comfortable pair of shoes, that are suitable for the terrain that you are walking on.

Walking is one of the easiest forms of exercise to fit into your lifestyle. Use it as your commute to work, a lunchtime activity, or a form of transport to the shops when you only need a few bits. It passes time on when you are bored. If you get out for a walk, you aren’t foraging in the fridge for food.

So for this month – get out every single day! Pound those pavements, tread those trails, but most of all enjoy the experience of being outside in the glorious (we hope!) British Summer Time!

Send us videos of you on your walks, photos of the beautiful views that you will witness, and the abundance of nature that you will experience. We want to know where you are walking and who with, so that we can share with all of our members. Something you do might trigger something in someone else and inspire them to get out… so make sure the rest of the Be Strong community knows what you are up to! Post them in the Facebook group, tag us in instagram @mybestrong, or upload to the social activity on the website.