Throw away the scales..

…or at least take the battery out and hide them away!

More often than not weighing yourself daily can leave you feeling deflated and disappointed. This is because Be Strong is about changing your lifestyle, which will then change your weight.

So, the things we should be measuring just isn’t possible on a set of bathroom scales!

The ideal be strong scales would celebrate the goal you just set, the sacrifices you made, not starving yourself, the time spent understanding your calories, the eating plan you created or how much more active you are.

This is in addition to: –

1. How better you feel for eating, moving and living differently
2. Your commitment
3. How energetic you feel
4. That new found confidence
5. How much looser your clothes feel
6. Your dedication
7. Your clearer complexion when you look in the mirror
8. Your ‘can do’ attitude
9. How bright your eyes are shining
10. How you’re less breathless when doing activities, feeling fitter and stronger by the day
11. Your determination
12. How you’ve become a role model for others – within this group, your family, your friends, your work colleagues
13. How happy you feel
14. How content you are
15. Your sense of achievement
16. How parts of your body are changing both visibly and physically
17. How much more positive you’ve become
18. Or maybe even noticing the admiring glance from somebody!

In summary this is what Be Strong is all about. Just weigh yourself each week at the group and yes, if your goal is weight loss then it will usually be reflected on the scales. If it isn’t – you can always be content that the Be Strong scales are still measuring up for you!

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