Review: One You Active 10 walking tracker

By Francesca Holden

Rick suggested I review the “One You Active 10 walking tracker” so I played with it today. It is aimed at motivating folk who don’t move much so may be a good starting point for those who, like I used to be, were not moving at all, or for those who shy away from the thought of couch to 5k. Say pre power walking.

You don’t have to have the app open when walking but I did give it permission to access my activity data. Yesterday it told me I had achieved my first goal. The goal is to walk briskly for 10 minutes.

I walked the doglet on the beach twice today and though brisk pace was possible, I couldn’t keep it up for 10 consecutive minutes. So up on the playing fields near home with not another soul in sight I left the doglet to his own devices, managed the 10 minutes and when I opened the app was duly rewarded!