We’re Writing a Book!

When we first started Be Strong in January 2015 we immediately thought that we needed to write a book! Mainly because other groups did, no other reason. We initially decided it must be a recipe book, alongside some ‘before and after photos’ of us both and a story of our weight loss trials and tribulations before success came our way.

We soon realised that if we did this we would not be true to ourselves or you! There are lots of recipes out there, in fact the Internet is absolutely full of them – there are also lots of weight loss stories out there, some of them far greater than ours!

After a year of research, speaking to our members, understanding which tools and resources work and which don’t, we believe we’ve produced something really useful and helpful. Most importantly it doesn’t exist already and we are convinced it can help you to achieve success. We have also stayed true to our ethos of everything that we do being focussed on the people we’re absolutely passionate about helping.

The book is now in the design phase and we hope to release some prototypes for consultation with our members before signing it off for a larger print run. Watch this space!