LJMU Research

Your invitation to take part in Be Strong research

We are working with Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) to evaluate the Be Strong programme, which involves asking people who start Be Strong to complete two short 5-minute questionnaires:

  • Questionnaire 1 – Now
  • Questionnaire 2 – In 4 weeks time

This evaluation is vital to help us ensure that our objectives are met. It will provide evidence of the benefits and impacts of the Be Strong programme to inform our future planning and development. It will also identify problems and weakness (so they can be rectified) as well as highlighting successes.

Through this evaluation we are keen to learn what effects Be Strong has on people’s relationship with physical activity and food. Final year Sport and Exercise Science student, Beth Ebbrell, will ask people to complete questionnaires when they start and again 6 weeks’ later, which will help us understand whether any changes occur. Participants will also be asked their views on what works well and what could be improved about the Be Strong programme. Dr Paula Watson, Liverpool John Moores University