Be Strong – The Best Fitness and Lifestyle Franchise in the UK
Join the Lifestyle Revolution!
Be Strong, the Best Lifestyle Franchise in the UK, prides itself on its ethics and values. We help people tackle obesity, inactivity and improve many other areas of their lives at our weekly groups.
Register your interest today, with NO COMMITMENT!
Running your own Be Strong group is fun, rewarding and can be life changing in so many ways.
“Our vision is to expand Be Strong throughout the UK, so that face-to-face access to honest, non-commercial lifestyle transformation advice is readily available to all.”
Rick and Rachel, Co-Founders, Be Strong
In order to achieve this, we’ve put together a business model that is heavily favoured on the side of you – the franchisee. This is not an opportunity for those at the top to get richer, while those at the bottom work hard for little to no remuneration.
You will need high levels of motivation, dedication and commitment, and in return, the financial rewards can be significant.
This will ensure that the Be Strong community has consistency and stability which is a much needed component of successful lifestyle transformation. We will also enjoy a unique relationship with you, which we hope will last for lifelong – just like our lifestyle transformations!