Exercise and weight loss is a complex issue.  Exercise is definitely a good thing, and we want you to exercise. But it must be kept in perspective. If you don’t exercise, whilst you are losing weight this can result in a loss of muscle mass (depending on how much fat you have to lose), so some exercise will help to maintain that.
Too much exercise can leave us feeling exhausted, hungry, and ready to give up on everything, due to it being carried out at an unsustainable level.
However getting the balance right can be truly beneficial for weight loss. The more lean muscle we have, the more efficient our bodies are at burning calories, so a mixture of cardio and strength training, gives us the balance we need to aid our weight loss. Cardio helps to burn fat, and strength exercise helps to increase our muscle mass, which will improve our metabolism.  Current guidelines say that adults should participate in both strength and aerobic activity each week, spending 150 minutes a week on moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity and 2 sessions of strengthening exercises, working the whole body.
Moderate activity is something that requires moderate effort e.g brisk walking, gentle swimming, water aerobics, hiking, gardening, flat bike ride, or ball games such as netball, basketball.  Vigorous activity is something that requires vigorous effort e.g jogging or running, fast swimming, hilly bike ride, football, rugby, skipping, aerobics classes, martial arts.

Our HIIT Sessions make ideal aerobic exercises, whilst our lower impact exercises are good for gently building strength.

If you are currently relatively inactive, our advice is to start slowly, start with one session a week then as you get fitter increase it over time. The worst thing you could do is to go straight in at the deep end, exhaust yourself and give up. Take your time, and your fitness levels will increase.

Finally in the whole exercise conundrum is over-estimation of exercise, and it can be more damaging than you think. In a study, participants in an exercise session that burned between 200 and 300 calories, believed they had burned over 800 calories. Because of this belief, people believe that they have ‘earned’ a treat or a big meal, when in fact they really haven’t.

Exercise is great for your wellbeing and mental health- releasing happy hormones every time you exercise, that make you feel better in yourself. This in turn will spur you on towards your goal, so there is no denying that exercise is something that we should all be doing, but in conclusion, it is really important to keep perspective on exercise – do some, because it will aid with weight loss, but it won’t be your reason for weight loss.

Keep it separate – exercise gets you fitter, eating less calories than your body needs, makes you lose weight. Once you get your weight to where you want it, exercising will definitely help you maintain that weight.

13. Not Eating Enough Protein

Protein has been shown to help you feel fuller meaning that you eat less.  One study showed that out of two groups, one who ate a diet of 15% protein and one who ate a diet of 30% protein, those who ate the higher protein diet, actually consumed on average nearly 600 calories less than the other group. Protein is also harder for your body to breakdown so it burns more calories digesting it and metabolising it, than carbohydrate, in essence increasing the metabolic rate. So make sure you have a good portion of protein in every meal and in some of your snacks.

14. Not Eating Enough Fibre

Studies have shown that high-fibre diets aid weight loss. High fibre foods keep your gut healthy but they also help you to feel fuller, by forming a gel in your digestive system that holds water, taking up more space and moving slowly through your digestive tract, therefore reducing your appetite. There is even evidence to suggest that a high fibre diet, can actually help you to absorb less calories from the food you consume.

15. Dehydration

We are always told that water is the key to weight loss but why? Well there’s a few reasons. Water fills the space up in our tummies making us feel fuller sooner, so we eat less. Water also keeps our body functioning properly, which means our metabolism is functioning properly too, and working at optimum. When this happens we are burning calories at our optimum rate. Even mild dehydration can affect this, so it is important to keep those water levels topped up.

16. Only Focusing on the Scale Weight