This weekend, 24th March 2019, we saw Debbie Hurtley-Smith achieve another goal – climbing Pendle Hill Steps.
Debbie first joined Be Strong in October 2017, suffering with crippling anxiety and chronic pain disorder. At the time Debbie needed two crutches to aid her walking, and she was only able to walk for very short distances.
Over the last 18 months with the support of her Be Strong family, Debbie has gone from strength to strength, literally. She has lost 4 stones in weight, has her anxiety and pain under control, and is getting fitter and stronger by the day.
Debbie now regularly takes part fully in the exercise sessions, and no longer needs her crutches. After completing couch to 5k in November, she fancied another challenge, so in January we agreed that Pendle Steps was the next goal.
Yesterday over 40 Be Strong friends and their families turned out to support Debbie in achieving her goal, and she took every step up that hill with determination, to finally reach the summit and touch the trig point. Rick said, ‘We are so very proud of Debbie, she didn’t just climb a hill yesterday, she conquered another aspect of her new healthy lifestyle, proving to herself that you can achieve anything that you set your mind to.’
If you are inspired by Debbie, why not set yourself a goal – need some help in identifying one – just give us a shout, or read our article on setting achievable goals.