February Walk!

February’s walk is the Tolkien Trail in the beautiful Ribble Valley.

A 6 mile walk around the village of Hurst Green and Stonyhurst College, exploring the landscape of JRR Tolkien, who worked at Stonyhurst for a time.

The landscape of the area is reflected in JRR Tolkiens writing, the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings.

All are welcome to join us, please do bring family and friends.  The walk will be muddy so good waterproof footwear is essential, and anyone who walks with poles may wish to bring them along, to get through some of the muddier parts. The walk should take between 2 and 3 hours.

Meet at 10 am, Sunday 24th February 2019, Bayley Arms, Hurst Green, Clitheroe, BB7 9QB