February is here, and the challenge for this month, is to take on our ‘Wake up, Shake Up’ Challenge.
What is the Wake Up Shake Up Challenge?
Every morning in February, before you do anything else, we want you to do 3 x 1 minutes of Be Strong exercises.
You can pick from either High Intensity exercises or Low intensity exercises, or a mixture of the two.
Why do we want you to do this?
Early morning exercise has lots of benefits, including increasing your metabolism (the rate at which our bodies burn calories), it also promotes consistency with our exercises schedule – when we exercise first thing rather than later in the day, there is a lot less chance of other, important things taking over, meaning we miss our work out. It also promotes good self-discipline.
Early morning exercises wakes you up, improving your mental ability and focus and helps you to sleep better. You will trigger endorphins first thing in the morning, putting you in a good mood for the rest of the day!
Why a monthly challenge?
We set you monthly challenges, to promote behaviour change and to generate success. Every day that you complete the challenge is a day of success. Success breeds confidence and self-belief, proving to yourself that you can achieve whatever you put your mind to.
Don’t worry if you forget to do it one day, don’t beat yourself up, just draw a line under it and get back on it the following day. The action of drawing a line under it, and just getting back on it, shows you that even when you fall down, if you get back up quick, you will experience success.
You might even find that you like doing the monthly challenge and you want to carry it on after the end of the month.