Why we think having a Sense of Purpose is so important
Sense of Purpose (or meaning) is the motivation that drives you toward a satisfying future. It also helps you to get the most from the things you do and achieve.
Rick’s sense of purpose is to ‘see how far he can go and to inspire others to do similar’. Rachel’s is to ‘be a good role model for Ruby and Seth’.
It’s much better than simply wanting ‘to look good in a dress’ or ‘to be a stone lighter for Christmas’. These ‘purposes’ are very temporary and are not true purposes at all. They’re simply aims, goals, aspirations or targets.
Having a Sense of Purpose helps you:
- make plans
- get the drive to get back up each time you fall down
- become more resilient as you step out of your comfort zone
It helps you focus on short-term goals like:
- Tracking food/drink
- Moving more
- Setting a new routine
2 replies on “What’s your purpose?”
My purpose is to become the person I know I can be. Fitter, healthier weight and get my joi de vive back with life. I’ve had some quite challenging events over the past 4 years and it’s caused me to revert back to eating unconsciously (eating but not really recognising I’m eating – hard to explain – but I was with a colleague and I’d eaten my sandwiches but I couldn’t remember eating them and almost accused her of eating them. She hadn’t but I was eating and it wasn’t registering with me). Lately I found that my go to slimming club wasn’t really doing anything for me but wasn’t sure what else to do until I discovered Be Strong through another colleague. Now I’m learning every day what triggers me 8 times out of 10 I can handle food but I’m not quite 10 yet. I know I’ll get there though by reading the knowledge and tracking my food. I have only weight to lose but some much to gain from being healthier. People are starting to notice a difference in me which is encouraging. I have a way to go but it’s so achievable and I’m enjoying every moment ?
You’re doing fab Dee. Xx