Check It Before You Wreck it!

£1 and 21 days to change your life!

The Check It Before You Wreck It books are now in stock and are available at group. They’re priced at cost (£1 each) to current Be Strong subscription members.

We have introduced these handy pocket sized books to help members learn about nutrition and realise the following benefits: –

1. Better choices are made both consciously and sub-consciously

When you keep a record of the calories you consume you will make much improved choices. You will soon learn that calories are very honest and you will become accountable to yourself.

Be aware! Many people who don’t like tracking calories don’t actually like the information it presents to them. Imagine if you look forward to a chocolate muffin with your latte each morning. You track it and it tells you the combined calorie content for 1 x muffin and a latte is 525 calories! Guess what, it might not fit in within your plan and so people then don’t like ‘calories’.

Our successful people use the information wisely. Some may swap the muffin for a KitKat and an Americano coffee with milk for a miserly 130 calories in comparison.

2. You know how many calories you need each day

We have already provided all our members with this information. It’s based on your age, height, gender, current weight and activity levels. However, it’s not an exact science. Take a tip from us. Try it and if you gain weight over the first month then reduce them slightly. If you lose too much weight then increase them slightly. Simple!

You will soon learn what is good to have and what you need to leave out or reduce.

3. Portion control is crucial

Lots of people who gain weight eat quite a healthy diet. Not everybody is devouring deep fried food and mountainous desserts to pile on the pounds. Almost always this is down to the portion sizes or the things that creep in between meals that we choose to ignore. There’s no getting away from anything with calorie tracking. To assess the calories you need to be certain on quantities. This is all in the learning that these incredibly simple books will bring to you.

4. Seeing things clearly at last

If you are honest with your food tracking then there really is no hiding from the facts which will be staring you in the face. You will see them and for probably the first time you won’t choose to ignore them. You will almost certainly consciously make much better food and drink choices. If you don’t then sub-consciously you are likely to. In summary if you are honest, then you will also see success.

Why can’t I just use an app like MyFitnessPal?

You can. However, the app is on your phone and your phone is used for hundreds of other things. It’s easy to ignore MyFitnessPal if what you’re eating and drinking doesn’t fit within what you’re trying to achieve. After all, its just your phone you’re ignoring, you have no responsibility to it.

This book only has one function – to track your calories. You will develop a pen and paper relationship with this book. It will be in your pocket, bag or somewhere else nearby; you will know its there and you need to log calories in it. You won’t ignore it like you can do with an app on your phone. You will be proud of how well you’re doing and won’t want to let it down. It may sound crazy but try it and see!

Let’s be honest – do you really always log the things that don’t fit in with your plans on the app. We didn’t!

5. It’s almost free

You don’t need to be rich to do this. In fact you don’t even need to spend £1 on our book. You just need a pen and a piece of paper to write things down on. What you do need to spend on yourself though is time. can you do this for 21 days? Think about it, £1 and 21 days to change your life!